CLASS of 1955

Missing from our Midst

Total 228     Missing 43     Remaining 185

A Tribute

How do we say to you today what we would like to have said? To you yesterday, or a year ago, perhaps 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 years ago when you were here?

Unfortunately some of the things we think about saying today did not occur to us yesterday or perhaps ever before. Oh to have had the wisdom yesterday that we seem to have today. We would have thanked you for the gifts you gave to us. It seems the greatest gifts given to us, especially when we were so much younger, are treasured only after years of experience. It seems the most important things in life can be done at any time and therefore do not get done at all. We now realize that thanking others is one of those most important things in life.

Speaking of the wisdom that tends to come with age. When young we aren’t so wise, we thought we knew a lot. Now that we have aged we have the wisdom. I don't seem to remember much about, which to be wise.

So for the many of you who are no longer with us, we give a living tribute to you for giving so much to us yesterday. We will say today to those who are still with us the kind of things we wish we had said to you. We will tell others of what you gave to us.

You were a great friend and we miss you.

Rev Dean Johnson
Oct. 01, 2005




Page updated 3 Aug 2011