Business is the Rudder to Success
A three year business course is offered to students with classes in shorthand, typing, bookkeeping, and stenography. These courses teach students the basic steps of business and also prepare them for future jobs. Bookkeeping and personal typing are offered as separate courses to those who are interested. Offered for the second year is the part time business program which gives the student practical experience and enables him to apply his knowledge gained through the classroom. The students attend classes in the morning, and in the afternoon go to their various occupations. This business program also enables the student to earn money. Home economist is offered to girls as a basis for efficient homemaking. Practical steps in cooking, which teaches the girls better management in the home, are taught for one semester. Sewing occupies the other half of the year. This course is a continuation of what was learned in the lower grades and enlarges the scope of home economics. How to choose and wear clothes properly are included in this course. Important time saving steps are also taught. Experience in Wood and metal working is given to boys in industrial arts and metal classes, where they are taught the proper and efficient use of tools and machines. Broader knowledge and skill in carpentry and metal work are offered in these subjects. Agriculture is offered to boys who are interested in learning the latest methods of scientific farming. By taking these courses they learn the fundamentals of farming and are eligible to join the Future Farmers of America where they are able to work for a variety of awards and scholarships. |
Muriel Harper

University of Minnesota, Duluth B. S. Home Economics F.H.A. Adviser Health |
Edwin A. Gray

University of Minnesota, B. S. Vocational Agriculture F.F.A. Adviser |
Robert D. Brown

Moorhead Teachers College, B. S. Sophomore Class Adviser Commercial Arithmetic Junior Business Bookkeeping Ticket Sales |
Doris Braun

North Dakota State Home Economics F.H.A. Adviser |
Margaret Ruud

University of North Dakota, M. A.. University of Denver, B. A Pow-Wow Business Adviser Clerical Training Stenography Typing
Clayton Haglin

St. Cloud Teachers College, B. S. Driver Training Industrial Arts Farm Shop |
Ruth Prestegard

St. Olaf College, B. A. Sophomore Class Adviser Bookkeeping Typing |
Ann L. Lord
Carleton College, B. A. Commercial Club Adviser Office Training Stenography Typing |
Neal Vivian
University of Minnesota, B. S., B. B. A., M. A. Occupational Relations Co-ordinator Retailing and Selling
Frederick W. Rosel

Moorhead Teachers College, Advanced Diploma Basketball Ticket Chairman Industrial Arts
Joan Thompson, double checks the ingredients of the recipe
That Delores Matson is mixing for a home economics project