The Harbor To The Sea Beyond
 John Durham, Gene Loya, Dean Johnson, Shirley Rowland, Arlene Furstenberg, Neil Dalagar and Jim Hanson gather to sing while Lou Flanders plays the piano after one of their cabinet meetings. |
Class Colors
Class Flower

I don't know if roses grow because we need them in the winter to remind
us of spring, or if roses -- like a friend -- simply remind us of growing-up
and going on to do great things. and if a rose were ever chosen for its
power, without a friend to give it to, I don't know what that means.
But I know that just one rose can bring a smile to any day.
Realizing that this was our final year the class of '55 decided to make the most of it. The first thing we did was to elect our class officers. Chosen by their classmates were Roger Vergin, president; Daryl Hanson, vice-president; Joyce Reichert, secretary; and Gloria Kukko, treasurer. Helping the officers, was the cabinet made up of twelve members who worked with the senior class advisors, Mr. Walter Engbretson, Miss Henrietta Winters, Miss Marie Sahaeffer, and Mr. Curtis Hansen, for the good of the whole class As school progressed, the homecoming season was soon upon us. Kitty Bender was chosen to reign as queen of the game and the dance afterwards. "Yuletide" was the time for the Christmas Banquet, which was prepared by our mothers. After eating, we sang carols and opened the gifts we had received from Santa. After Christmas vacation, we posed for our graduation pictures and moaned,of course, when we got our proofs Honors and awards were presented to all the deserving ones at the auditorium call, late in February marking the end of the first semester. Time passed so quickly, that it seemed like no tine at all 'till Prom time had arrived. The Prom theme was "Spring Fantasy" with hearts and flowers, lending a touch of gaiety to the gym. After working all year to make money, the choir and band went on trips to Chicago and Valley City respectively. Although they had lots of make up work to do on their return, they felt that their fun was well worth it. The spring tea found the seniors and their mothers together for a pleasant afternoon. The Baccalaureate and Commencement exercises, hold June 2, 1955, was the last event in all of our years together. As we marched down the aisles in our caps and gowns, to receive out diplomas, our thoughts were focused on the places we would make for ourselves in the word. |
