National Honor Society
On March 9, twenty-seven seniors of Washington High School became members of the National Honor Society. These students were chosen from the upper third of their class on the basis of efforts and achievements which have been recognized. Miss Tornstrom, advisor of the Society, introduced the group and then turned the program over to them. Presiding over the society was Daryl Hartman. The purpose of the society was explained by Ramona Erickson, vive-president, and Lois Anderson, secretary-treasurer, read the official communication from the faculty nominating the 1955 members. The four cardinal principles of the society were explained by Roger Vergin, for scholarship; Joanne Johnson, Leadership; Julie Houle, character; and Donald Ellingson, service. Dave Sauvageau explained the colors, and Ken Wasnie, the emblem bearer, held the torch from which each member lit his candle for the closing ceremony. The Honor of being a part of this organization was felt by each and every one of the new members. They pledged themselves to uphold the high purposes and principles of the society, to remain loyal to their school, and to maintain and encourage high standards of Scholarship, Character, Leadership, and Service. |
The Tri-Hi-Y Service Award was given to Neil Dalagher for services rendered to the school. Dave Sauvageau, President of the HI-Y, presented this award which was given for the first time this year
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BACK ROW J. Saboe, D. Hartman, R. Jackson, K. Wasnie, G. Vold, R. Vergin, D. Sauvageau, D. Mraz
THIRD ROW D. Ellingson, B. Cripe, L. Anderson, H. Smith, G. Kukko, D. Hill, M. Mraz
SECOND ROW J. Johnson, R. Erickson; J. Houle, B. Moulton, J. Reichert, P. Gayou, R. Bonwell
FIRST ROW M. Johnson, K. Davis, D. Sjolund, S. Rowland, S. Croswell, K. Bender
