Junior History |
The election of the class officers and cabinet started a vivid and exciting history for the Junior Class. Elected to the presidency was Tyrone Erickson; vice-president, Jean Nutting; secretary, Marie Olson; and treasurer, Nancy Fox. Performing the cabinet duties were John Sargent, Laurie Selisker, John Erickson, Patti Lopp, Terry Fruth, Keith Drake, Patty Martilla, and Frances Funk. The class supervisors were Miss Dorothy Larsen, Mr Curt Hanson, Mrs Jean Nourse, Miss Helen Hubbard. Representing the class on the student council were Jean Nutting, Gailene Benson, Tyrone Erickson, Bruce Kinde, Sharon Hendricks, and Max Droll. Toward the beginning of the year they
held their annual class play under supervision of Mr. Harry Martin. The title of the play was "slice it thin". Several of the junior girls served for the Senior Banquet in December. The juniors also had their fair share in the sport activities of the school by placing members on the football, basketball, baseball, tennis. wrestling, and track teams. They also had many boys on intramural's and many girls in G.A.A. In the field of music, they placed many in the band, choir, and glee club. They climaxed the year by planning a colorful Prom in the spring which a great many of the Juniors and Seniors attended. They brought their eventful year to a close with the annual spring picnic.
Enjoying a moment of relaxation
from their numerous responsibilities
are the Junior Class Officers,
Marie Olson, Secretary
Tyrone Erickson, President
Jean Nutting, Vice-President
Nancy Fox, Treasurer
| Junior class cabinet Making plans for the Junior-Senior Prom |
Terry Fruth, Keith Drake, John Erickson, Laurie Selisker
Pat Martilla, John Sargent, Pat Loop |