F.H.A. Educates Future Homemakers
Educating future homemakers can well be said of the Future Homemakers of America. The group, consisting of forty-five members, was successfully
led through the '54-'55 season by their able advisers, Miss Doris Braun and Miss Muriel Horper. Early in the fall, during National F.H.A. Week,the girls planned and served a banquet, with the girls' mothers as guests. Many other social events took place during the year. As an outside service project, the girls made nut cups for a children's hospital. They also served Washington High by giving the trophy case a much needed cleaning.

M. Handeland, M. Chistopherson, B. DeRosier
L. Tougas, H. Soderman, E. Holsapple, E. Halvorson
Making Nut Cups

for a Children's Hospital
M. Tuougas, A. Deuries, J. Berg, & L. Turotte
F.H.A. Girls

clean and Redecorate the Trophy Case

BACK ROW: E. Holsapple, S. Nelson, L. Tougas, M. Veilt, A. Deuries, D. Puetz, L. Theisen, S. Sedlochek, E. Halvorson, E. Hillman, M. Gutmann, C. Harnois
THIRD ROW: B. DeRosier, M. Tougas, A. Hedlund, M. Barto, A. Ridel, J. Annett, I. Britton, D. Sedlachek, L. Turcotte. K. Ellis, M. Christoperson
SECOND ROW: Miss Braun, A. Togas, B. Green, M. Handeland, J. Soderman, B. Nelson, Miss Harper.
FRONT ROW: S. Stanley, P. DeRosier, M. Johnson, R. Kleinschmidt, J. Jorgenson, J, Magnuson, M. Gray, I. Hardy, B. Aarhus
Page updated 24 Dec 2005 |