Commercial Club Seeks Careers |
The Commercial Club is made up of students taking a two-year course of stenography. By making them adept stenographers and secretaries, it prepares senior girls for the future. It also trains these girls to face resposibility, to be dependable in all things, and learn the many useful things which will help them in their future life. Assisting the Commercial Club this year in facing their responsibilities was Miss Anna Lord, their adviser. In the fall of last year, the group held a mother and daughter tea in the high school cafeteria. They also co-sponsored a dance with the Art Club after the Staples-Brainerd game.As a moneymaking project for the trip which they planned to take in the spring, the group sold pencils bearing the 1954-1955 basketball schedule. In addition to this successful sale, the treasury funds grew with a home-room fudge sale. Advancing the girls' educational projects, George McPheeters of the Brainerd Office Supply invited the girls to view the business machines which he had in the store. He very clearly explained the use and purpose of each machine. All of the girls found this to be an interesting afternoon. The Commercial Club is a great asset to the school and community because from it come the students who will be leaders in the business world of tomorrow.
Dictating to
Joyce Johnson President Karyl Kyar Vice-President Barbara Pikula Secretary Roberta Tang Treasurer |
Joan Bailey and June Anderson
 are served by Joyce Johnson at the Mother-and-Daughter Tea
K. Aspros, S. Rowland, J. Lyonais, B. Soderman, H. Smith, R. Ferguson, C. Grenier, B. Pikula
V. Haney, E. Smith, J. Anderson, J. Larson, R. Dixon, K. Henneman, M. Lind, P. Kramer, R. Tang
SECOND ROW: J. Christopherson, J. Bailey, S. Holbrook, D. Reed, E. Almquist, E. Halvorson, E. Hillman, K. Kyar, S. Schmidt
B. Aarhus, M. Johnson, C. Fossum, M. Zander, F. Britton, A. Erickson, W. Olds
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