"We Study History Of The Future" |
After having doubled last year’s membership, the Current Events Club busily and diligently began to serve their worthy purpose, not only within the organization, but throughout the entire school. That purpose, which was to broaden interest and increase knowledge of current issues, was carried on by each member of the group. The Current Events Club enjoyed spending one of their weekly sessions with Mr. Neal Vivian, who showed them his slides of Israel. Under the guidance of Miss Selma Mostrom, the members produced and directed for the student body an original United Nations Pageant to promote interest in that organization. Another auditorium program, presented in February, was a lecture by Annemarie Osterlie, a Fulbright Scholarship winner from Germany. This lecture revealed the present conditions in Germany, as well as the rest of Europe.
The officers Are Studying the issue for the next meeting's discussion
 Mary Jo Mraz, secretary; Roberta Bonwell, president, Pat Gayou, vice-president, Ronald Lein, treasurer. |
Acting as member of a representative of the United Nations Day program  Bill Madden, Roger Vergin, Daryl Hartman, Lois Lee, and Max Droll |
R. Lien, M. Droll, W. Dondelinger, L. Flanders, R. Jackson, D. Hartman, J. Wold, J. Voss, R. Vergin
Miss Mostrom, D. Savageau, E. Almquist, L. Anderson, E. Benson, P. Gayou, M. Mraz, N. Groth, T. Fruth
G. Benson, L. Lee, R. Bonwell, D. Giguere, B. Moulton, S. Hendricks, P. Ecksten, B. Raymond, P. Jordan
I. Hardy, J. Magnuson, M. Harjes, J. Houle, A. Ecksten, M. Zander, S. Croswell
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