Ed Clark, Milton Gatchell, Dick Mraz & Roger Vergin Show the form which captured them the District Title |
With all their 1954 district championship squad returning, the Warrior golf team had one of their best seasons since the sport was adopted a few years ago. Lack of preliminary competition hurt the golfers, although they managed to retain their district championship in their first match by defeating Little Falls 190-224. Inexperience and superior competition was the story of the Warriors in the regional at Alexandria, as they did their best to finish fourth. Although the sport is relatively new in our school, Coach Harvey Shew and his team have shown that minor sports definitely have their place in our sports program.
Golf Schedule | Date | Match | Winner |
May 13 | District Tournament at Little Falls | Brainerd | May 23 | Regional Tournament at Alexandria | Glenwood |
In another of Brainerd’s newly established minor sports, the Warrior tennis team met with excellent success in their 1955 season. Coached by Bud Schmid, the netmen opened their season with a 13-1 thrashing of Wadena. The following week, a veteran St. Cloud team set back the Warriors 5-1. In the district tournament, Wadena bounced back from its earlier defeat and beat the Schmidmen 8-3, although our doubles team, Bob and Merle Speed advanced to the regional meet where they were ousted in a close match.
Tennis Schedule | Date | Match | Winner |
May 10 | Wadena | Brainerd | May 13 | St. Cloud | St. Cloud | May 18 | District Tournament | Wadena |
| The Warrior Tennis Team
Bob Speed, Merle Speed, Chuck Hoenig, and Coach Bud Schmid.
Warren Carison, Tim Templeton, Doug Tangwell, and Dick Musolf