The senior's annual Christmas banquet was held in 1954 on Wednesday evening, December 15, at 6:30. This event took place in Washington High School's cafeteria, which was appropriately decorated in a Christmas theme. Each table had as a center piece three red candles in a birch log. The nutcups, which also served as place cards, were in the form of a lighted candle. The senior class president, Roger Vergin, who was master of ceremonies, gave the yuletide welcome. After Dr. Paul Hendricks said grace, everyone enjoyed roast turkey with all the trimmings. Dave Sauvageau and Joyce Wilmot read poems after supper, Joanne Johnson played a French horn solo, and senior choir members sang a few selections. Also a Christmas Message was given by the speaker, the Reverend Dr. Hendricks. Santa Claus came with the group was singing Christmas carols and distributed gifts to everyone.
The head table was the stage while Joyce Wilmot read her Poem
Santa was quite amusing to Pat and Jake
Jolly old St. Nick make his appearance
Jim Rudbeck
 Is target practicing with his new gun
Santa didn't leave anyone out
 Not even President & Vice-President Roger Vergin & Butch Hartman