"Achin' to Beat Aitkin"
Kitty Bender, who was chosen by her senior classmates, was Washington High School's 1954 Homecoming Queen. She reigned over the homecoming activities held in the school on the afternoon of Friday, October 15. Kitty also reigned over the game with Aitkin played that night at Memorial Park and at the dance which was held after the game in the school gymnasium. The Queen's name has been a carefully guarded secret until 3 o'clock, when Butch Hartman crowned her, and Ken Wasnie presented a white football autographed by the team. Elected by the student body and serving as Kitty's attendants were Shirley Rowland, Ramona Erickson, Phyllis Jordan, Mary Jo Mraz, Beverly Moulton, and Marie Haff. This year only Ken and Butch, who were acting as co-captains of the night's game, represented the senior lettermen. The other escorts were senior boys who were elected by the seniors. Those included were: Roger Hanson, Max Droll, Dick Mraz, Jim Hanson, Royal Karels, Wayne Dondelinger, Gene Loya, Gary Mathison, Jim Rudbeck, Don Noreen, Dave Sauvageau, and Roger Vergin.
A Pepfest
 Was held at the corner of Fifth & Laurel Streets with the Queen & attendants presiding.
Butch Hartman crowns Kitty Bender
 As Ken Wasnie waits to present the autographed football

Don Noreen, Shirley Rowland, Dick Mraz, Wayne Dondelinger, Phyllis Jordan, Roger Vergin, Max Droll, Ramona Erickson, Gene Loya, Daryl Hartman, | | Kitty Bender, Ken Wasnie, Dave Sauvageau, Mary Jo Mraz, Gary Mathison, Jim Rudbeck, Beverly Moulton, Royal Karels, Jim Hanson, Marie Haff, and Roger Hanson |