English Anchors Our Learning |
English, which is the most essential subject we study, is divided into two main courses literature and grammar. Grammar must be studied to enable us to speak and write our language correctly. Through grammar we analyze our language and learn the proper usage of words. This not only teaches us the essentials of good writing, but we also acquire the fundamentals of good speech. To be a successful person, the ability to clearly express one's ideas is of the utmost importance. A large vocabulary, which is obtained through extensive reading, is necessary to execute this. Literature, which is the written or printed literary production of a country or period, enables us to become better acquainted with on entertaining world of reading. Thoughtful study of literature gives the reader a comparison and insight of the life and customs of countries through the centuries. Our social standards and culture are therefore increased by literature. English is also very important to the development of the character. Besides providing a medium and vast resources for one's delight, and adequate knowledge of grammar and its usage helps establish a favorable relationship between an individual and his fellow man. A portal through which one may gain on insight to a person's character is his ability to, engage in intelligent conversation. A thorough background in literature is helpful toward this end because on increased knowledge of other's thoughts and ideas is gained. Our readers make our leaders.
Evelyn Olson

St. Olaf College, B. A. Senior Class Adviser English |
Jean F. Nourse
University of Minnesota, B. A. Macalester College, M.A. Junior Class Adviser English |
Henrietta Winters

University of South Dakota, B. A. Senior Class Adviser English |
Harry S. Martin
University of Minnesota, M.A. Junior Class Play English |
Mary Tornstrom

University of Minnesota, M.A. Colorado State College, B.A. Student Council Adviser Guidance Director German Club German |
A. Bernice Griggs

Mayville Teachers College, B. A. Festival One Act Play English Speech |
Katharine M. Torgerson

University of Minnesota, B. A. Concordia College, M.A. Pow-Wow Editorial Adviser Latin Club Adviser English Latin
Malon Wareing is giving a talk on vocations to his classmates in English