Physical Education Encompasses Our Health |
Physical education offers a variety of different skills. The activities which include basketball, valley ball, tumbling, ping-pang, softball, badminton, dancing, and tennis, are afforded to girls. Since such a varied schedule is afforded, the student is introduced to a wider range of knowledge about sports. The object and rules of each sport are explained, thus giving the student a better understanding of athletics, which in turn gives him a better appreciation towards sports. For each activity, new skills are learned and older ones are more fully developed. Both boys and girls participate in calisthenics which help develop body movements and co-ordination. The boys indulge in more strenuous sports like football, baseball, and wrestling. Contests ore conducted in the gym classes for almost every form of activity. Competition among the chosen squads stimulates the students interest and leads to a competitive spirit.Because one of the chief purposes of physical education training is to obtain better health, a study of health is required of freshmen and sophomores. Sophomores study the function and core of the body, while the freshmen's main course is first aid. |
Harvey Shew

University of Minnesota, B. S. Football Coach Social Studies History |
Don Adamson

St. Cloud Teachers College , B. S. Physical Education Driver Training |
Fred Kellett
Moorhead Teachers College,B. S. Lettermen’s Club Adviser Assistant Baseball Coach Physical Education Basketball Coach Health |
Idelle Nornes
 Augsburg College, B. A Physical Education Pep Club Adviser Cheerleader G.A.A. |
Kermit R. Aase
 University of Minnesota, B. S. M. ED Basketball Coach |
Robert E. Miller

St. Cloud Teachers College, B. A., M.S. Assistant Basketball Coach Mechanical Drawing General Metals Track Coach Carpentry
 A group of ninth grade girls have built this pyramid. |