BACK ROW: D. Mraz, C. Hoenig, E. Clark, B. Kampmann.
D. Sauvageau, L. Flanders, M. Wareing, J. Hanson
K. Bender, M. Zander, R. Bonwell, P. Masison
J. Swarthout, R. Erickson, M. Harjes, R. Tang |
Sing Ye (motet for double choir) | Bach | How Fair the Church Shall Stand | F. M. Christiansen | Auf Dem Berge | Franz | Adaramus Te | Palestrina | Hallelujia, Amen | Handel | Wake AWake | F. M. Christiansen | Ecstasy | Luvoas | The Inchworm | Loesser | Poor Man Lazarus | Spiritual | Advent Motet | Schreck | The Searcher of Hearts | Bach | (from "The Spirit Also Helpeth Us") | Beside Thy Cradle Here I Stand | Bach | Hallelujia Chorus | Handel | And the Glory of the Lord | Handel | The Three Kings | Rameau | Built On A Rock | F. M. Christiansen | Battle Hymn of the Republic | Waring | Thy Little Ones | Schultz | Orchestra Song | Schuman | Woodchuck Song | Waring | Salvation Is Created | Tschnekov | Oh Blest Are They | Tschaikowsky | As A Flower of the Field | Paul Christlansen | Hospocli Pomilui | Lvovsky | Allelujia | Ralph Williams | O Rejoice Ye Christians Loudly | Boch | Praise We Sing To Thee | Hayden | Monotone | Lockwood | Beautiful Savior | F. M. Christionsen | 0 Praise Ye | Tschalkowsky |