Memory Scribes |
Daryl Hartman at his desk
"Are the pictures ready for 73? .... Hey! Bev, have you seen the blue pen? I just had it .... John, is that page on Max done yet ?.... Won't somebody turn on the fan, I'm smothering!" These are only some of the sounds thatechoed down the hall from the Brainonian office while the 1955 annual was being put out. Plans for this year's book began in the spring of '54 by the upcoming seniors who were determined this book would be one of th best ever. Meetings were held to find a theme and make a temporary layout. After taking a poll of the juniors, it was decided to have the book come from the publishers late in August. By doing this, it was possible to include such senior activities as Prom, Baccalaureate, and Commencement that have previously been omitted. Just before the close of school, the '55 editors were named. Daryl Hartman was named editor-in-Chief and Associate Editors were: in charge of Classes, Bert Bonwell and Bev Moulton; of Organizations, Pat Gayou and Kitty Bender; of Sports, Lou Flanders; of Life and administration, Sue Croswell, of Photography, Wayne Dondelinger and Chuck Hoenig. With this announcement, the Brainonian office was closed until the following September. September came, and although the staff had two extra months to work, they went right to it the beginning of the year. Applications from students who wanted to join the staff were accepted and seven new members were added. As a welcome to the newcomers, a picnic was held at a staff members cottage. Things really got under way a few weeks later when the dummy book was drawn up and the OK was given to begin final work. |
Photographers at Work in the Dark Room

The camera catchesJack Zander, Bill Pike, George Melin, and Francis Cummings,photographers at work in the dark room
Junior and Senior Staff Members
Looking over ideas for next year's book
BACK ROW Dick Theriault, Karen Peterson, Dave Wiggins
Jean Nutting, Lois Anderson, Diane Hickerson, Darlene Hansen
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