Associate editors began schedules and gave out assignments. The 1955 annual was really started! Throughout the school, flashbulbs were popping at every event from Homecoming to the Christmas Banquet. Finally on March 4, the first pages were sent. But they no longer had their adviser with them. Miss Cordelia Nelson, who had been with the staff for several years, resigned to take up a less harried job as a housewife. Her able guidance was missed, but they had Mrs. L. 0. Jahnke to very ably take her place. Spring arrived with its companion Spring Fever. But the staff didn't even pause to notice it. Work went right along at the same pace. On April 4, the second batch of pages were sent and on May 4, the third. By June 4, the ten senior staff members finished their careers as Brainonian members. Early in May, the group held another picnic, this one to celebrate the end of the year. '54 and '55 were good years for the annual. Like preceding years, they were sure at times that they were never going to make it. But throughout the work and trouble, they pulled through and produced the Brainonian that you're reading now. The books are yours, come August. To the freshman, it will be a promise of what the future holds for him. To the sophomore, it will show him that he is on the way up. To the junior, it will show glimpses of the memories that will be his next year. To the senior, the book is for him to cherish as a memory of years he shall never forget.
Associate Editors
Wayne Dondelinger, Sue Croswell, Lou Flanders, Chuck Hoenig
FRONT ROW: Roberto Bonwell, Kitty Bender, Pat Gayor, Bev Moulton
On their way out of school is the business staff

BACK ROW: Bill Buth, Bill Opsahl.
FRONT ROW: Mary Mraz, Ardy Skoog
Sophomore Staff Members interrupt
 their work to have their picture taken
Mary Gruenhagen, Deanna Presttun.
Marilyn Anderson, Leslia Dahl, Peggy Bang