Hi-Y And Tri-Hi-Y Work Together |
The Hi-Y (boys) and Tri-Hi-Y (Girls) were both re-established in Washington High School this year. Once again, as they have in the past, the group proved to be active and dependable. Early in the year, the two organizations sponsored the student-government election in Washington High.Students filed for the various city offices, primary elections were held, and then after the general elections, the winning candidates spent a day in the offices to which they were elected.The groups did most of their projects together. Many a foot sore member will tell you of the many boxes of saltwater taffy they sold from house-to-house around the city.
The officers of Hi-Y were: Dave Savageau, president; Tom Delk, vice president; Dave Twombly, secretary; Dean Olson, treasurer.
Leading the Tri-Hi-Y were Ramona Erickson, president; Shirley Rowland, vice president; secretary, Joann Johnson, and treasurer, Marlene Hoist. One thing which the boys did on their own, however, was to sponsor a ping-pong tournament in the fall. Winner of the boys division was Jim Gum, of the girls division, Ardy Skoog. Taking time off from their many projects, the groups got together for a Christmas party on December 13. As a final money-maker to help them with their financial problems, members got together and produced a one-act play for the student body.
BACK ROW: P. Henkemeyer, G. Halvorson, E. Clark, M. Speed, R. Karels, L. Strand
SECOND ROW: J. Ronholm, L. Stephenson, N. Dalager, B. Speed, J. Hanson
FIRST ROW: M. Teigen, D. Madsen, D. Twombly, D. Savageau, D. Olson
B. Thon, J. Melby, N. Fox, P. Satre, P. Krueger, B. Tang.
D. Juntenen, H. Roske, L. Lee, B. Raymond, S. Rowland, C. Shanks.
C. Kostek, J. Johnson, D. Sullivan, M. Holst, C. Fossum.
K. Crust, K. Davis, R. Erickson, E. Shipman, M. Johnson.
