Art Club Colors The Sea Of Life |
| After having doubled its membership for the 1954-1955 season, the Art Club of Washington High School scored another busy and extremely eventful year. The dependable adviser to this group was Miss Helen Marshall while the officers elected to serve them were: Kathryn Davis, president; Frances Flansburg, treasurer; and Arlene Furstenberg, secretary. Running first on the calendar of events for this season was an initiation picnic held at Lum Park in the late fall where twenty new members were successfully initiated. At Christmas time the Art Club made and sold hand designed Christmas wrappings to help sponsor their trip to see the Minneapolis Art Museum and the Ice Follies in the spring. Various other events such as a candy sale, rummage sale and a very enjoyable dance made this exciting trip possible. During the year the Art Club was fortunate enough to have local people give very interesting talks and demonstrations on their various fields of art. Mrs. Frank Jensen demonstrated flower arrangements. Mr. Ed T. O’Brien gave a talk an life and pictures of the famous artist, Sarah Thrope Heald. Mr. Fabor of the Hobby Shop spoke on the interrelation of crafts, art, and science. Betty Hellberg ended these sessions with an account of art at Gustavus Adalphus College. Special recognition should be given this group for the time and effort they spent making posters to advertise certain school events. The trip to Minneapolis ended the year and the Art Club once more left behind them a season contributed to work, fun, and a gift of greater knowledge toward art. |
Darlene Sieckert and Frances Flansburg
Kitty Aspros, Arlene Furstenberg, Kathy Davis
Art Club Members
Finish their work in figurine painting
F. Orvala, B. Hellberg, C. Havness, C. Wright, N. Wolvert, P. Niesen, J. Muller, R. Leas, D. Barrett, S. Nelson.
THIRD ROW: C. Grenier, D. Sjolund, A. Erickson, J. Roff, L. Sather, M. Fullerton, F. Flansburg, V. Kringler, B. Murphy.
D. Brusseau, K. Davis, B. Bisted, D. Sickert, S. Gendron, B. Mass, C. Sears, Miss Marshall.
L. Kerley, M. Hilton, K. Aspros, A. Furstenberg, B. Bowman, J. Lamm, R. Mass