Pow-Wow Serves School And Community | |
In getting service clubs interested in sponsoring another one at Washington High next year. Three one-act plays were presented to the student body and to the public on March 1-2. A dance after a home basketball game was also sponsored. The weekly radio show produced by the Pow-Wow staff has an added feature this year. Having purchased a tape-recorder this year, a taped interview is used on each program. Awards received include the GallupAward for service to the community, and international rating from Quill and Scroll, and an All-American rating from NSPA. Advisers, Miss Kaye Torgerson and Miss Margaret Ruud, presented awards to staff members at the annual dessert banquet in the spring. |

STANDING Nancy Groth, Business Manager
Patti Loop, Circulation Manager
Delores Swearingen,   Co-Advertising Manager
MISSING Gloria Kukko, Co-Ad Manager |

Julie Houle, Radio Editor
Bruce Cripe, Announcer
Gerald Wold, Recorder |

Joan Rehberger, Co-Promotion manager Denise Brusseau, Co-Promotion manager
Mary Koering | |

J. Weiske, V. Larson, D. Twombly, B. Sandison, B. Madden, L. Selisker, W. Olmstead.
SECOND Row L. Lee, M. Ruff, D. Schiel, T. Pankartz, B. Raymond, L. Padgett, Miss K. Torgerson.
G. Leese, D. Peters, J. Sargeant, L. Wolhart, M. Koering, J. Wilmot | Click