Student Council Stands at the Hem |
Many may not realize it, but the Student Council is one of the most important organizations of Washington High. Various student council duties include hall duty during noon hour, the information desk, the lost and found department, the number system in the cafeteria, and the library during noon hour. An informative handbook, prepared by the Student Council members was given to each student in the fall. Among their projects was complete charge of home coming festivities which involved selling buttons and entering a float in the parade. They also introduced a completely new noon recreation program this year. The council also sponsored a dance after one of the home basketball games. Clothing and donations were sent to Kyriakos Popadopulos, a Greek boy sponsored by the council. Proceeds from a vaudeville show were given to defray the costs of the honor banquet which the council sponsors in the spring. Six delegates along with their adviser, Miss Tornstrom, attended the Minnesota Student Council Convention in Albert Lea, November 4-6. The various meetings which they attended were discussed with other council members at a pot luck supper held before the Christmas holidays. In August, Neil Dalager, state student council vice-president, represented Minnesota at the national student council convention held in Denver, Colorado. A picnic in the spring was a fitting bon voyage to a busy school year. | Packing clothes for the clothing drive Fred Anderson, Bruce Kinde, Julie Houle, and Jim Hanson | OFFICERS  Sharon Hendricks, Secretary; Jim Hanson, president Julie Houle. vice-president; and Connie Barker, treasurer |

M. Droll, T. Erickson, B. Kinde, N. Dalager, D. Hartman, R. Johnson, R. Hanson.
THIRD ROW: J. Hanson, D. Savaugeau, R. Wright, F. Anderson, R. Vergin, R. Lindberg.
SECOND ROW: Miss Tornstrom, R. Madison, S. Hendricks, J. Houle, D. Ellingson.
G. Benson, J. Nutting, R. Erickson, B. DeRoiser, G. Leese