G. A. A. Promotes Friendship And Encourages Activity |
At the beginning of the season the G.A.A. held their annual initiation day. The new members were initiated and a party was given in the evening to conclude this event. Homecoming was the nextproject for the girls. They contributed to this event by decorating the float which took first prize in the homecoming parade. A dance, enjoyed by all, was sponsored by the group after the Hibbing game. In November the girls were invited to Crosby-Ironton for the G.A.A.’s annual Play Day. Here they spent the day participating in such sports as basketball, tumbling, volley ball, and ping pong. Lunch, a program, and group singing finished the day. All in all, the organization had a very successful year. | G.A.A. Girls
 Practice their tumbling project | The girls Participate
 In a warmup exercise during a G.A.A. meeting | G.A.A. OFFICERS D. Presttun, S. West, D. Lesmeister, D. Goninan

S. Erickson, R. Freed, N. Fox, D. Anderson, D. Hill, M. Johnson, S. Gendron, D. Hoffman, M. Kleinschmidt, G. Kukko, J. Erickson, C. Hanson, F. Flansburg, M. Gray, C. Bolster.
D. Johnson, S. Ellstrom, E. Fruth, J. Anette, G. Eide, A. Eksten, P. Davy, M. Gruenhagen, C. Halvorson, M. Jansen, C. Fossum, J. Holst, A. Anderson, J. Anderson.
R. Gonianan, D. Dunneman, E. Jorgenson, L. Feiraband, M. Goninan, J. Hedlung, S. Chisholm, B. Turcotte, D. Jokela, P. Karlson, L. Hockstetter, T. DeBord, B. Eberly, J. Doshan.
Miss Adele Nornes, F. Barto, M. Herzog, B. Barstow, D. Kline, M. Haff, B. Bowman, J. Brown, C. Kostek, P. Krueger, J. Bock, D. Juntunen, D. Collett, K. Crust
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