Debate Argues Modern Problems |
Resolved; The United States should adopt a policy of free trade among nations friendly to the United States. With this resolution the debate team swung into a year of pros and cons. Headed this year by Mr. Walter Johnson, the group got down to work early in the year, for the upcoming invitational tournaments loomed on the horizon. The first such tournament was at Macalaster college where Bill Madden and Nancy Groth, affirmative, and Dean Johnson, and Jane Groth, negative won two out of six debates. Not letting such a showing defeat them, the team returned, ready to get back to work. Before long they were set for the tourney held at Gustavus Adolphus college. This time Pat Gayou and Roberta Bonwell, negative, and Bill Madden and Max Droll, affirmative, won two out of six again. The following week the same four attended the Regional tournament at Moorhead State Teacher’s College. Here both teams improved considerably for they won three out of six and placed fifth in the region. Between these many competitive tourneys, the group had several practice debates with surrounding towns. Such practice helped make the year a valuable one. All in all, it was one of the most active years the debate team has ever had. | Debate team. Pauses to look at the Photographer before leaving for the Regional Debate Tournament

C. Erickson, D. Johnson, B. Madden, W. Dondelinger, Mr. Walter Johnson
P. Groth, D. Lesmeister, N. Groth, R. Bonwell
M. Droll, P. Cayou