F. T. A. is Practical Experience | |
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The Future Teachers of America, following the advice of Mr. Frank Moulton, had one of the busiest years in their history. The merit system was used again this year and special recognition was given for the most points gained. A main job confronting the entire group was to help organize other F.T.A. groups
in this district. The elected officers for the year were: president, Lois Kerley; vice president, Bertha Bisted; secretary, Darlene Peters; and treasurer, Mary Jo Mraz. By sitting through classes in different schools throughout Brainerd, the members studied the correct teaching procedure and the different problems and benefits which arise. The members also gained needed experience in teaching by correcting tests and doing other helpful jobs. Of course, the main purpose of this organization was to help the students decide if they were really interested in teaching and at what level they would be interestedin. As you can see, the F.T.A. proved to be a valuable organization to W.H.S.
The Officers Shown checking over their merit points
Mary Jo Mraz, treasurer; Lois Kerley, president; and Darlene Peters, secretary. Not pictured is Bertha Bisted, vice-president
B. Bowman, L. Anderson, E. Benson, M. Kleinschmidt, D. Lesmeister, G. Kukko, M. Mraz, Mr. Frank Moulton
F. Funk, M. Embertson, R. Dixon, L. Lee, J. Johnson, L. Kerley, B. Bisted
M. Koering, M. Konen, M. Jensen, J. Miller, P. Madison, R. Bitton, V. Horn
P. Britton, D. Brusseau, J. Bock, D. Peters, M. Haff, H. Brooks