Lettermen Uphold Athletic Standards |
"On to Milwaukee!" was the cry of the Lettermens Club this year. The purpose of this trip was to see the National League Milwaukee Braves play a home game. With this in mind, each of the 38 members did his best to raise the necessary amount. However, the organization did not forsake their regular duties during the year. Their advisers, Mr. Harvey Shew, football coach, and Mr. Fred Kellet, basketball coach, helped the boys live up to the rules and regulations set by the High School League of Lettermen. Officers Daryl Hartman, president; Tom Jacobson, vice president; and Bob Jacobson, secretary-treasurer; all did their share of the work to raise the goal of $500. They did this various ways and also helped keep the rest of the organization on their toes. These officers were among the members that sold pop at all home basketball games. Spring came and the boys were set to go on their trip. Upon their return, they contributed enough money to finance a football camp for next years team. At the annual honor day coaches gave out letters to those deserving them and thus concluded the year for the organization. |
The Three Lettermen Officers look over the last minute bill before closing the coolers for the seasonsTom Jacobson, Vice-President; Butch Hartman, President; and Bob Jacobson, Secretary-Treasurer |

D. Tangwall, D. Theriault, D. Adair, D. Wiggins, G. McCalvy, K. Wasnie, N. Dalager, J. Voss, S. Anderson
T. Pancratz, C. Stanley, G. Krueger, R. Schrader, C. Vinjie, C. Hoenig, L. Selisker, T. Fruth, Mr. Shew
B. Cripe, G. Loya, L. Hardy, R. Feguson, V. Larson, R. Lien, J. Murphy, F. Anderson, D. Schiel, S. Krueger
T. Jacbson, J. Guin, B. Buth, F. Caswell, S. Sycks, J. Hanson, D. Hartman, L. Flanders, R. Jacobson
